2700 years – that’s how long solar power has been utilized to improve our lives. From cooking to heating, the number of applications that can use solar energy is numerous! And why not?

If the sunshine is strong enough to warm us up from 93 million miles, then there’s a lot more than the sun’s energy can conquer!

Non-renewable energy resources like oil, coal, natural gas, nuclear energy have been exploited over a long period. And, if we were to leave a better Earth for our future generations, it’s essential to use renewable energy like solar energy to fulfil our needs.

Statistics show that about 4.1% of electrical consumption generation in the UK comes via solar power. And for that to have happened, homes required solar photovoltaic panels. As it turns out, about 900,000 homes in Britain have installed solar panels!

The solar industry is on a remarkable rise, given how many households are embracing this source of renewable energy. Perhaps, now you must be planning to make a switch to solar energy, too?

So, wouldn’t it be interesting to armour yourself with knowledge about solar energy and become a part of the sustainable development crew?

Here are some eco-friendly, fun facts about solar panels and solar energy!

    1. The first-ever solar cell panel was created in 1883 by an American inventor named Charles Fritts. He coated a sleek layer of gold over selenium. At the time, it was only about 1-2% efficient. Today, if you pick any modern solar panel in the UK, it’s about 10-20% efficient!
    2. China is the country installing solar panels in the most abundant of numbers, in the most innovative of ways. The country installs enough solar panels every hour to cover a whole football pitch! The World’s largest floating solar installation is also found in Southern China.

Renewable Energy

    1. Sixty minutes of sunlight produces enough solar energy that could power up the entire Earth for one entire year! And all one needs is a solar panel for it. This solar panel then transforms the solar energy into power through two different ways- photovoltaic and thermal.
    2. One house running on solar power can mitigate about one hundred tons of Carbon Dioxide within 30 years. And this number even takes into account all the energy released during a production of a solar panel. The stats sound incredible, and it is!
    3. The costs of solar panels have magnificently reduced since 1977. In 1977, the same solar cell or photovoltaic cell was worth £56. According to some reports carried out by the solar energy industries association, today, a solar cell merely costs £0.15 per watt. That’s a relatively low cost.
    4. Unlike what most people believe, solar panels don’t require direct sunlight. It gains enough solar energy through the daylight, hence can work even on cloudy days. Although, if you want solar panels to work at night, you must use a solar battery.
    5. Amusingly, installing solar panels will require permission if this installation system is as large as over 200 mm. Additionally, you would also need permission if you plan to install the panels in protected sites.
    6. Solar panels have now transcended earthy uses and are also installed in spaceships. For example, Mars Observer had about 6 solar panels generating solar energy for the same.
    7. One hundred ninety-one thousand solar panels – that’s how many solar panels are required to be able to produce solar energy to power the Earth!
    8. The first around-the-world-aircraft trip solely run on solar power was made by Solar Impulse Plane in 2013. The aircraft left from Abu Dhabi, and it took 23 days, made 23 stops and used more than 17000 solar panels.
    9. Solar energy is perhaps the cheapest fossil fuel option. On unsubsidized terms, it demands only 4.3 cents per kWh, but any other fossil fuel option costs about 4.2 to 7.8 cents per kWh. Quite a difference, right?
    10. Solar power not only lights up our homes and runs our appliances, but it also creates an industry with immense employment opportunities. In the UK alone, the solar energy industry has made 16000 jobs. And the number is projected to go up to 500,000 jobs. Moreover, the use of renewable energy like wind and solar power is likely to boost the economy in the UK by £29 billion!
    11. By the year 2023, UK’s solar capacity is presumed to reach 15,674 MW. And, this number is projected to be on a constant rise. And that’s the just UK alone! This global solar panel installation is expected to have a growth jump of over 20% in 2022.
    12. Solar panels reduce the carbon footprint and don’t create any noise pollution of any sort. It does not demand any additional fuel, and the solar panel has no violently moving parts, either. So producing power via solar energy is free of noise.
    13. Investing in a solar panel is immensely useful for solar energy users. The solar panel costs might be expensive in the beginning. But, that initial cost is evenly divided while using this solar panel. It usually has a 25-year warranty and produces 10kWh of electricity per square foot. And solar energy users save about 70% of their electricity bill.
    14. Interestingly, solar panels also eradicate all your maintenance costs. It requires no water to run or any cleaning service. There are absolutely no recurring costs to make these solar panels run, and the result? They are producing solar energy to power up your house!
    15. The biggest solar power plant is found in California in the Mojave Desert. It covers about 1000 acres!
    16. The Sahara desert receives the brightest of the sunlight. So, covering even 1% of the desert with solar panels can help provide electricity throughout the World. Just one single per cent of the desert! Isn’t that so cool?
    17. One of the World’s largest solar power plants is in Kamuthi, Tamil Nadu, India. It covers 2500 acres can produce 648MW, enough to power about 750,000 people!
    18. Solar energy not only has versatile use for humans but also for plants. The green plants can convert this solar energy into chemical energy using photosynthesis. It creates biomass, which produces fossil fuels. What a chain of events, right?

Discover the Power of Solar with Solar Panels Network

Are you navigating the World of solar installations? Look no further than Solar Panels Network, the UK’s trusted partner in harnessing the sun’s potential. Our dedication goes beyond just installations; we’re on a mission to transform how homeowners and businesses across the UK perceive and utilise energy. By choosing us, you’re not only reducing your carbon footprint but also making a smart financial move that promises savings for years ahead. Contact us today and embark on your solar journey.

Wrapping Up

Solar energy offers a multitude of advantages, which have led to a decrease in costs and an increase in its widespread adoption.

Harnessing solar energy, one of the most abundant sources of power available, presents a compelling opportunity. Solar panel installations have been steadily rising, with a substantial number being deployed in the UK on a regular basis. Moreover, solar farms have become a significant part of the country’s energy landscape.

Undoubtedly, it would be prudent if world leaders invest in solar power projects and solar power plants. Additionally, taking advantage of any renewable energy facility would be the best foot forward from here on.

The future is making the best of solar power systems, and that future is now!

About the Author

Solar Panels Network stands at the forefront of solar energy solutions, driven by a team of seasoned solar engineers and energy consultants. With over decades of experience in delivering high-quality solar installations and maintenance, we are committed to promoting sustainable energy through customer-centric, tailored solutions. Our articles reflect this commitment, crafted collaboratively by experts to provide accurate, up-to-date insights into solar technology, ensuring our readers are well-informed and empowered in their solar energy decisions.